Without you, none of it is possible

United Riders is the world’s number one bikers’ NGO*.

We work to help the disaster-stricken, homeless, isolated and vulnerable.

A calendar of social and charitable events.

Do you agree with our values? Come on board!

Our initiatives are 100% funded by donations.

Find our press kit for download here.


We don’t believe in the commercialisation of charities and don’t receive any public grants. Our work is funded entirely by donations from our members and supporters. This independence guarantees us freedom over our words and actions in all circumstances.

Whether it’s a one-off donation, a recurring monthly sum or even goods, every contribution, big or small, is invaluable for us. United Riders has the status of a non-profit organisation recognised as being in the public interest under French law, which means that 66% of donations are tax-deductible up to a limit of 20% of a donor’s taxable income.

Fighting against social isolation is everyone’s business. Act with us. Make a donation. You can support us directly online, by card, via the platform HelloAsso*, selecting the option that suits you best.

* HelloAsso is the largest completely free crowdfunding platform for associations.

Copyright © 2021 United Riders

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