United Riders is the world’s number one bikers’ NGO*.
We work to help the disaster-stricken, homeless, isolated and vulnerable.
A calendar of social and charitable events.
Do you agree with our values? Come on board!
Our initiatives are 100% funded by donations.
Find our press kit for download here.
Every year, in June, United Riders holds the “American Classic Days” festival in Bréval near Paris. Over the last ten years, the ACD, with its bike show, exhibition of classic cars, multiple concerts, custom culture stalls and extensive food and drink offering, has become an important event on the motorbike scene.
The outstanding site in Bréval, with a capacity of 10,000, helps to make this weekend-long festival an invaluable awareness-raising initiative to get the word out to as many people as possible about United Riders’ work.
Our “giant” street work event which takes place every 11 November in France’s biggest cities. On top of the usual work distributing clothes, personal hygiene products, bedding and pet food, this event brings together even more of the public, involving other parties who can bring enjoyment and comfort to those most in need. We’re joined for the occasion by volunteer hairdressers and barbers as well as bakers, café owners and anyone from any other professions wanting to bring some warmth and friendliness to this event with its musical soundtrack.
“One shoebox… One warm thing, one tasty thing, one beauty product, one thing to do, one kind word…” This is a project that was being talked about all over France during the festive season. United Riders is a major contributor to this initiative which hasn’t stopped growing. Contact our offices (“Contact Us” page) to find out how to take part in this unprecedented surge of solidarity!
The Toy Run is a United Riders event that takes place every year in France’s biggest cities. Our members and reservists, dressed as Santa, visit hospitalised, orphaned or at-risk children in a large-scale delivery of gifts and smiles.
Every year, United Riders runs events to help children to overcome an illness or disability. We organise a large run (motorbike ride) starting at a market of businesses and artisans. All profits are donated to families in difficulty for support, treatment and fighting children’s illnesses (Byliana in La Rochelle, Enfant Lune, Run de Pâques, Espoir pour Oualid, Un dimanche pour Shana, etc.).
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